Friday, September 14, 2012

Happy Independence Day Costa Rica!

Happy Independence Day Costa Rica! You have a lot to be proud of.

   September 15th --  tomorrow -- is the celebration of Independence Day in Costa Rica.
Unlike the United States and so many other countries that paid for their independence through war, Costa Rica and other Central American countries simply declared their independence from Spain in 1821. After several years as part of the Mexican Empire and then the Federal Republic of Central America, Costa Rica declared itself as a sovereign nation in 1838.
After a period of unrest leading up to the Costa Rican Civil War in 1948, the winning revolutionaries established a democracy in 1949. That same year, the country abolished its military.
Costa Rica has a lot to be proud of as a country. With its commitment to Eco-tourism, a stable democracy, and its decision to become a carbon-neutral nation by 2030, Costa Rica has a lot to teach other countries in the region and the world.

 There will be many parades and dances and children and adults dressed up in traditional Costa Rica clothing. Oh yes and the traditional food!

Hope you an join us in Costa Rica!

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